Author Topic: Windlass relay position on 42 Cruiser  (Read 2150 times)


  • Swab
  • Posts: 12
  • Karma: +0/-0
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 42 Cruiser
  • Boat Year: 2007
Windlass relay position on 42 Cruiser
« on: February 29 2020, 09:06 »
Hi all!
I have an unusual problem in that there is power to my Lewmar H2 windlass whether or not the switch on the 301 panel is on or off.
I assume therefore that there is a relay that is stuck in the on position, but try as hard as I can, I can’t find it’s location! It certainly is not one of the 8 small relays on the back of the panel, and I can’t see another close to the 100A fuse.
There is a black wire (marked 10) that is the feed from the panel switch that energises when switched on (and is dead when switched off) but I can’t trace it as it gets lost in the loom.
Can anybody please point me in the right direction or perhaps offer advice if you have experienced something similar?
Many thanks and best regards,