A lot of work, skill and time went into that boat - I'm sure she gave it all back though.
Back to the matter at hand. I think I have cracked it in a way that I am satisfied with, even it the pipe is an inch short. All the standard clamps are on apart from the one at the top of the swans neck. That is held on with cable ties. I will put some antichafe up there (I have one of the kids old wet suits eyed up for that).
On each of the clamps I have put the original rubber antichafe and some silicone tape to hold it all in place. From the engine, back we have:
First clamp:
Second clamp coming up to the swans neck above the water line. There is plenty of scope here for chafe, and here it had rubbed through previously to the stainless spiral, so I added some extra rubber in here to try and prevent that.
Top of the swans neck. I'll chop these cable ties when I'm at anchor next and put something in to stop the cable ties from having the opportunity to saw through the pipe over time:
Final clamp to the skin fitting:
To the skin fitting itself:
I took a look at the old pipe, and it had rubbed through to the spiral in multiple places from chafe, so it was a ticking time bomb, so I'm glad I've done the job.