Author Topic: Fridge brands  (Read 2197 times)


  • First Mate
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  • Posts: 57
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  • Boat Model: Vision 42
  • Boat Year: 2015
Fridge brands
« on: January 27 2020, 01:49 »
Hi Gang,

Doing an unofficial survey of everyone's favourite brand of marine fridge. I need to replace the evaporator and heat exchanger (piping) in our 2015 V42. I'm talking about the component style where the compressor and condenser are in a cupboard and the evaporator is in the insulated box. I probably only need the evaporator plate but for the extra work and money will replace the whole unit. The fridge box is 175 litres or 6.2 cubic feet. We run on 12VDC. We sail on the west coast of Canada so rarely see days over 30 degrees Celsius.

Thanks for any input,