Author Topic: Panel 424 questions  (Read 4628 times)


  • Old Salt
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Panel 424 questions
« on: January 01 2020, 18:33 »
Happy new year all! I want to understand what each of the switches, which on the face of it should be easily interpreted from the pictures next to the switches, on panel 424 do. The fact the wiring diagrams are all in German is unhelpful (you would think that Bav would have created a version in each language), and some of the images are open to interpretation!

From this I can gather:

1: Topplicht (mast head? So all round white Anchor?)
2: Dampferlicht (motoring light? Deck flood light?)
3: Bel. Bug/Heck (motoring nav lights?)
4: Salingleuchte (sailing light? )
5: Innenbeleuchtung (inside lights (aft?))
6: Innenbeleuchtung (inside lights(forward?))
7: Instrumentenbel (Instrument lights?)
8: Navigationsinsr (Navigation instruments)
9: Funk (Wireless?? Wireless what?)
10: Ankerwindw (Windlass)
11: Bilgenpumpe (Bilge pump)
12: FW-pump (Fresh water pump)
13: Buschabsaug pumpe (shower sump pump?)
14:  Fakakien pump - This is CROSSED OUT on the docs with the boat. Heads pump out pump? Fakalien = faeces? There is no holding tank on board (yet! This is on my jobs list)
15:  Heater - This is CROSSED OUT on the docs with the boat. The Eber comes on automatically when the house electrics are turned on.
16:  Fridge
17: Cigarette lighter socket
18: Spare (that I will probably use for the AIS, I might use 15 as the Eber is always connected and clearly not wired to 15.
19: Tri (on Mirage) - guessing a masthead tricolour for when sailing at night.
20: Plotter (on Mirage) - retro fitted e7 plotter.


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Re: Panel 424 questions
« Reply #1 on: January 01 2020, 19:05 »
I have the same issue with the wiring labels so I use Google Translate and then figure it out from there. Doesn't always work but does help.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Panel 424 questions
« Reply #2 on: January 01 2020, 19:54 »
Hi MagicalArmchair,
I have the same panel as yours and have some English Language signs attached next to the switches on the panel. Attached is a photo showing most of the signs, but some were not fully included when I took the photo. Those that were partially missed were not important for me at the time I took the photo, but herewith below I have added in the full caption that should go against each of the switches where part is missed in the photo.
1. Anchor Light
2. Steaming Light
3. Navigation Lights (bicolour at bow and the stern light).
4. Deck (Flood) Light
5. Cabin Light one
6. Cabin Light two
7. Switch Panel Light (For battery voltage or forward/aft water tank levels at instrument on right of panel)
8. Navigation Instrument Lights (on my boat this is the power supply to the Raymarine Seatalk system)
9. Radio (VHF Radio Power, and on my boat AIS Power supply)
10. Windlass (note, this switch allows the windlass directional control to function, and that then switches in the heavy current needed to run the windlass. Switch 10 does not by itself handle that heavy current)

Going to the right hand panel, these are mostly fairly obvious except for
14. Switch for an electric toilet flush system (if fitted)
15. Warm air diesel heater (on my boat this switch doesn’t seem to make much difference whether it’s on or off !!)
16. Refrigerator
17. Cigarette lighter type socket
18. Spare (I have used it for my auto pilot)
19. Spare (on my boat this switch is used for the tricolour mast head light which also includes an anchor light but where that light is controlled from switch 1.
20. Spare

Hope that helps.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Panel 424 questions
« Reply #3 on: January 02 2020, 10:25 »
Cracking stuff, thanks Salty, that clears that up!

Does anyone's switch 15 do anything? Has anyone followed those wires? I've checked all my photos and the back of that breaker is obscured from my photos? Curious!

If that one goes nowhere, I'll use that for the AIS I think, as one day, I suppose, I might install electric heads, hmmm, I doubt it, but I might.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Panel 424 questions
« Reply #4 on: January 02 2020, 14:13 »
Cracking stuff, thanks Salty, that clears that up!

Does anyone's switch 15 do anything? Has anyone followed those wires? I've checked all my photos and the back of that breaker is obscured from my photos? Curious!

If that one goes nowhere, I'll use that for the AIS I think, as one day, I suppose, I might install electric heads, hmmm, I doubt it, but I might.

I must admit that I haven’t looked to see where the wires go from switch 15 or whether there is anything actually connected to it. For so long I simply assumed (bad mistake !) that the switch did what it purported to do, then one day I realised I hadn’t switched it on but the heater was working regardless. So I must investigate.
Power to the various services does not come directly from those switches where they are connected to distribution points located on a board behind the panel and between the panel and the boat hull, so when you connect an extra electronic component, it’s power supply should connect to the appropriate distribution point. They are all numbered according to the switch they are connected to.
As I mentioned in the previous post I used power source 9 to provide for my AIS on the basis that both the vhf radio and the AIS systems were essentially radio communications systems, albeit one for voice communications and the other for automated communication. Both the vhf radio and the AIS have their own individual power switches on the instruments themselves, so neither instrument actually gets to be turned on or off directly from the switchboard, but as captain of your own boat, it’s your decision, but it left those spare switches available for some other use, say like radar perhaps.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Panel 424 questions
« Reply #5 on: January 06 2020, 12:52 »
Great, thank you Salty. Next time I'm down I will weigh up my options. The Raymarine AIS700 doesn't have a switch on it, however, you can run silent from the MFD, so I could wire it into the MFD switch as it needs the position from the MFD to operate anyway. I will likely wire it on its own switch I think. The FM radio is wired in to the VHF button, so that means if I piggy back the AIS there it will be on more than required.

One other question I have is, does the boat have a RF grounding point anywhere? Below is in the AIS700s install documentation...


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Re: Panel 424 questions
« Reply #6 on: January 06 2020, 18:09 »
I am intrigued about switch 14, the one for the electrical heads. Anyone know if bav fitted a relay to that somewhere? I’ve just fitted a lite flush to the B36 and didn’t realise that the panel had that switch on!