Author Topic: new water tank sensor  (Read 2928 times)


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new water tank sensor
« on: September 30 2019, 22:14 »
I'm planning on replacing my water tank sensor, as the old one has stopped working.
I've found the and it should give nice granularity between full and empty.

Is it ok to mount it by unscrewing the old one and screwing in the new one, as the old one is not stainless. It also appears that the uh PVC 'sleeve' one is cracked and I'm guessing that's what the wire around it is for? It's not leaked to my knowledge, but I would like to know what others would do.


See attachment:


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Re: new water tank sensor
« Reply #1 on: October 01 2019, 07:25 »
The old one is removed by unscrewing the plastic nut and then dropping the sensor out downwards and through the inspection opening nearby. The plastic nuts are notorious for cracking, I've replaced mine with a metal nut. The old sensor seals against the inside of the tank with an o-ring.
(formerly) Sailing Songbird  ⛵️ Bavaria 40 Ocean (2001)