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genoa track

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Help,!! Half the genoa track pulled out and broke off on my Bav38 in 20knts ,the bolts stripped, the rest of the bolts will not tighten. Does any one know what the bolts fit into. Its impossible to locate from inside the boat.           Stardust

Check your wind instrument.bolts don't strip with that small a force.if this is genuine where were you yesterday afternoon?

The wind was certainly 20 knts or less this happened 25 miles west of Ibiza. The rest of the bolts in the stbd track will not tighten,oddly all the bolts in the port track are OK and tight .I just want to know if anyone knows what the bolts locate into. 

peter gibbs:

--- Quote from: stardust on October 06 2011, 19:10 ---Help,!! Half the genoa track pulled out and broke off on my Bav38 in 20knts ,the bolts stripped, the rest of the bolts will not tighten. Does any one know what the bolts fit into. Its impossible to locate from inside the boat.           Stardust

--- End quote ---

Here's a true tale - when I revisited the European dealer who sold me my new Bav 38 Ocean he told me he was ditching the marque. Surprise. Why? Quality issues that were not being addressed by Bavaria (we speak of several years ago) so eroding the dealer's margin - well, nothing too out of the ordinary there, although not encouraging.

When I asked for an example he told me of genoa strips ripping out of the deck - inadequately bolted down. This has never happened to me but I remain on alert and keep a check on this vital piece of gear. And I pass this on to you - you might want to get Giebelstadt involved even if you are out of warranty.

In the name of balance, I also relate I spent a full day at the factory prior to taking delivery to check out processes etc, and was impressed. I continue to think Bav's are at least as well made (barring individual exceptions) as any other mass produced boat and I've done over 15000 miles in mine over 13 seasons.



--- Quote from: stardust on October 06 2011, 19:10 ---Its impossible to locate from inside the boat...
--- End quote ---

Impossible? Or just difficult? I'd have a look at the good side, and then look for the same on the other.


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