Author Topic: bow thrusters  (Read 4644 times)


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bow thrusters
« on: February 25 2013, 23:39 »
Has anyone fitted or have a bowthruster on a Bav 38? I am thinking of it but would like to hear from anyone who has. Any information would be gratefully received.


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Re: bow thrusters
« Reply #1 on: February 26 2013, 04:09 »
I have one on my Bav39, one bit of advice is mount the battery & control contactors for it under the forward berth that way you'll keep the main thruster cables shorter and just run the control and charger cables the length of the boat. The control on mine is mounted on the starboard upright of the cockpit seating and is a bit of a stretch to it and then you head is pointing down and not looking forward, therefore I would try and mount it on the binnacle if theres enough room. If you require any photos just let me know.



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Re: bow thrusters
« Reply #2 on: February 26 2013, 10:07 »
Got one on my 2011 36.  Don't use it much, but its useful if its a bit blowy and you have a tight, slow to get into berth.  Go for plenty of power, so if you do need it and you are having to push the bow against a current or something, you have sufficient drive.  I had a boat once with an undersized one and it was rubbish because the few times you did need it, it could not cope!  As has been said, go for short power cables from a dedicated batt.  Make sure batt is sealed type and properly vented.  Put control on the binic if you can.