Author Topic: Cabin door trim removal  (Read 2045 times)


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Cabin door trim removal
« on: July 21 2019, 15:13 »

I got a question re Ocean 40 cabin doors although as far as I have seen these are the same throughout the J&J era bavas. The cabin door trims are rubbing against bulkheads and making some noise when the boat rolls. I have not yet figured out the best way to remove and rebed these. It looks to me like the door trim is glued on to the main part without any fasteners making me a bit doubtful if it can be removed without making a mess...

Anyone there done this yet? :)


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Re: Cabin door trim removal
« Reply #1 on: July 21 2019, 17:46 »
The frames are screwed to the bulkhead.  Screws are behind the hinges and in the latch.

They are also held with silicone sealant.

Once you have the screws out, you can push the frames out.  Clean all the silicone off, mix up some epoxy with microballoons (chocolate spread), gob it on and replace the frame.

No more creaking.


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Re: Cabin door trim removal
« Reply #2 on: July 21 2019, 20:07 »
Great to hear that the opening is big enough for removing the frame in one piece - thanks!

What about epoxy vs. sikaflex? The plastic toilet floor liner is also a bit loose under the door frames (creeks against the bulkhead when you step on it) and I was thinking of gluing that to the bulkhead with sika. Well, probably neither method allows for non-destructive removal if its ever needed after this fix...