Author Topic: 2004 Bavaria 38 roller furler line size furlex 200 s  (Read 4142 times)


  • Swab
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Can anyone provide the line size for my furlex 200s? Diameter of line and length? Also, I have seen something that the line should have the core removed (the part that furls into the furler). Is that correct?


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Re: 2004 Bavaria 38 roller furler line size furlex 200 s
« Reply #1 on: June 17 2019, 03:58 »
Can anyone provide the line size for my furlex 200s? Diameter of line and length? Also, I have seen something that the line should have the core removed (the part that furls into the furler). Is that correct?

When I replaced the furling line for my Furlex 200 system, I used 8mm braided line. I don’t recall how long it was, but this will vary depending on the length of the foot of your sail, the length of your boat and the way that the line is rigged on your boat. Best thing is to measure how long your existing furling line is, and to ask yourself whether it is currently long enough or not and then order longer line if you think you need it. Can’t help you in regard to whether the core needs to be removed, it’s not something that I have found mentioned in the Furlex instruction manual. Maybe it is a suggestion made somewhere else and is not an official recommendation.

If you haven’t already got a copy of the Furlex manual, you should go to the Selden web site and download a copy of the manual from there.;_ylu=X3oDMTByaW11dnNvBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1560769467/RO=10/


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Re: 2004 Bavaria 38 roller furler line size furlex 200 s
« Reply #2 on: June 17 2019, 08:09 »
Good information has already been provided above but a couple of tips: Don't buy 'oversized' line above that in the manual, as, if you get an untidy furl, it may jam more easily; if you furl in heavy winds the sail gets much tighter on the forestay and needs extra line to completely furl it in so take account of that extra requirement when choosing length and make sure you can reach a winch with the loose end as you may need to use it one day. The reel encased in the furler has a captive bracket (stops line from coming off when fully out) and this is suited for line with the core still intact so I wouldn't strip it out.


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Re: 2004 Bavaria 38 roller furler line size furlex 200 s
« Reply #3 on: June 17 2019, 09:39 »
8mm is the correct size and no need to strip out the core. The only reason to do this is to increase the length of line on the drum which is sometimes required if you move up a size of rope which on some systems is necessary because they have too small a drum of too small diameter rope, or if you are fitting a larger genoa instead of a non overlapping jib.

Neither of these conditions apply with a Furlex and normal sails so just replace like for like.

Spirit of Mary

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Re: 2004 Bavaria 38 roller furler line size furlex 200 s
« Reply #4 on: June 17 2019, 12:31 »
It is also important that 3 -5 turns are left on the drum when the largest sail is fully furld. If not, you get high tension on the line fixation and the plastic will break off, which happened to me. Had to buy new drums!


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Re: 2004 Bavaria 38 roller furler line size furlex 200 s
« Reply #5 on: June 23 2019, 11:46 »
Hi All,

The reason for removing the core is to allow the outer cover to lay flat on the drum. This will reduce the chance of the line pulling through the rope coiled on the drum and jamming. It is entirely optional. I still have the original furling line intact. When it does need replacing I may source a cover only to replace it. However it does make it tricky to cleat and harder on the hands to furl!

Mark Hutton
SV SYnergy
B40 Cruiser 2009