Author Topic: Lofrans Cayman control system  (Read 5259 times)


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Lofrans Cayman control system
« on: February 23 2013, 04:46 »
On my 2001 Bavaria 40 I have the Lofrans Cayman anchor winch controlled by a Quick brand up/down sender plugged into socket at the aft of the anchor chain locker.
I encountered an intermittent fault of lack of response in either up or down modes and initially thought the overload cutout had operated.
It turned out to be the socket plug; easily tested if you have this problem by slackening the mating screw and wiggling this plug whilst holding down the up or down button. Sure enough, there was my intermittent fault even though the wiring of both male and female parts of the socket and plug were firm. Despite the screw on gasketted cap, I fear corrosion gets to the innards interrupting a clean contact.
I was unable to get a 3 pin replacement socket and plug but found a 4 pin identical unit, wired appropriately did the trick with no further problems.


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Re: Lofrans Cayman control system
« Reply #1 on: February 23 2013, 10:16 »
I had the same problem last june. I managed to lower the anchor o.k but the next morning when I tried to weigh anchor there was no response , I could continue to lower but not lift. It took me 40 mins to raise the the anchor by hand ( it was blowing a gale). Felt totally knackered afterwards! latter I found that it was due to the same problem you identified, just a wiggle of the socket cured the problem. I also thought about the strain on the windlass with the chain left over the gypsy and have subsequently used two chain hooks and lines and taken the load on both of the forward deck cleats. I thought the chain wrapped round a cleat would chew it up in no time at all. I dont think these modern boats were designed with serious anchoring in mind.

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Re: Lofrans Cayman control system
« Reply #2 on: February 23 2013, 17:27 »
I also had this problem a few years ago but I found applying vasaline to the socket plug pin sockets and the inside of the screw-on cap regularly has cured the problem.  You are right about anchoring  strain on the windlass, and more importantly the mounting base it is mounted on, not man enough at all. I would never dream of anchoring using the chain over the gipsy method in anything over a F3, in F5 upwards I run 2 'snubbing' ropes attached to the anchor chain led back to the cockpit winches as I once had a deck cleat pull out under the snatch load.


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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 40 Ocean
  • Boat Year: 2001
Re: Lofrans Cayman control system
« Reply #3 on: February 24 2013, 22:17 »
I had the same problem on my Bav 40 Ocean when I first bought it.  I knew it was corroded and one of the pins broken.  I just replaced the whole thing with a new version. If I remember a few years back it was about $100 for the whole new controller, socket, wires, and control unit.  A quick fix and problem solved.  I think I got the new one at West Marine.  I can't remember but think it had an extra pin for a feature I didn't hook up but still worked fine.