Author Topic: New interior light switch information  (Read 2238 times)


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New interior light switch information
« on: August 20 2019, 17:58 »
I’ve started this as a follow on to:,2554.0.html

and of course have no objection to the two being merged but the first title doesn’t really apply to the actual answer.

If you have a white box behind the failed switch marked BJB 43.409 then currently the only UK source I have found is:

He supplies box and switch.

We didn’t realise that you have to first connect the box to the stainless steel outer , it looks impossible as there are two tabs in the way but once we’d sussed it the button just clipped in place and we now have a working light  :)

Bob (IslandAlchemy) has kindly offered me some spares but I had trouble with the PM system ... he should have received my request by now.


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Re: New interior light switch information
« Reply #1 on: August 20 2019, 20:41 »
This is most timely as we have just had a switch fail.

Thanks fit the info
