Author Topic: Starter for MD22L  (Read 2950 times)


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  • Boat Model: Barvaria Ocean 42
  • Boat Year: 1999
Starter for MD22L
« on: February 28 2019, 20:27 »

For what it worth - Starter went on my Bav Ocean 42 with Volvo MD22 L.  Imagine my shock an dismay when told Volvo wanted $1,600 for the starter.  Realizing the MD22 is really Perkins engine and found the equivalent starter to be a Perkins STA-5 - these go for $600.  Ordered it and the starter had the same Lucus part# as the one I removed.  Lucus part number is 54292967. 

Hope this helps someone else - Bob SV Chaos