Author Topic: Saildrive anode  (Read 3436 times)


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Saildrive anode
« on: February 28 2019, 11:37 »
I want to replace my Saildrive Anode (Bav 36-2011 SD130, bought last year) even if it seems to look not so bad: the outside is good, but several deep holes , doesn't look like a typical worn anode.  I demounted the old one and noticed that all of the surface of the SD under the anode is painted (looks like the original paint).  So where's the contact between anode and SD? Is it the inside surface of these two holes/brackets for the screws that hold the anode. I'm wondering if this is enough to really protect the SD. Any comment or idea on that? Should I remove/grind the paint under the anode?
thanks and best regards from Germany


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Re: Saildrive anode
« Reply #1 on: February 28 2019, 16:36 »
The electrical contact area is really only the bolts, by design. This works as long as the anode doesn't wear away around the bolts, which if installed without a care it will do pretty quick.

Removing protective paint from the saildrive itself is counterproductive, as that would increase anode wear (larger exposed surface to protect) and not solve the problem of the zinc eroding around the bolts.

What I do is apply waterproof grease (Volvo propshaft grease in our case) on the anode where the bolt heads sit in the bolt holes and the bolts. This does not prevent electrical contact, but it does prevent seawater getting at the zinc in this area. Therefore the zinc there won't erode and the anode will not rattle lose and stop working.

The rest of the anode does the job and we're in the third year of doing the above now, with good results (two years in the water between anode replacement).
(formerly) Sailing Songbird  ⛵️ Bavaria 40 Ocean (2001)


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Re: Saildrive anode
« Reply #2 on: February 28 2019, 19:01 »
As you have a 130 drive with a split anode the electrical contact is slightly different from the 120 type described by yngmar. The contact is through the mounting bracket that the adone halves are bolted to. There is no direct contact between the anode and the housing. This arrangement does not seem to suffer from localised erosion around the screw holes like the 120 type. As the split anode is roughly twice the volume of the 120 ring type they last much longer. I shall be changing mine next month for the first time since new in August 2015, although I suspect there is still enough to last another year based on the erosion so far. 


  • Cadet
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Re: Saildrive anode
« Reply #3 on: March 05 2019, 11:29 »
OK, thanks for your input. I made too many thoughts so i will just clean everything and mount the new anode as it was before.
best regards and have a nice season.