Author Topic: Change fixed saloon table for a table able to serve as bed support  (Read 5025 times)


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  • Boat Model: Vision 42
  • Boat Year: 2018
In my 2010 vision the saloon table is of the fixed type, to accommodate sometimes guest I would like to modify this in to a table which can be lowered till the saloon seat height, this will create a place for 2 to sleep.

Searching the internet does not show any pics of the type of table.
My question is are there owners who have this type of table, I believe the same tables have been used in the build period from (roughly) 2005 to 2010

Any pictures would be great as that could help me to replicate the folding principle.


  • Old Salt
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I have a Vision 46 with a saloon table that is mounted on a telescopic ram so it goes up and down. Up for use as a table, down to the level of the seats to form a double berth.

The ram in my case os electric but you can get manual ones too which I have in my cockpit area for the same adjustments.

This might be an initial expensive outlay for you but may be more simple than trying to fabricate a whole new folding table.

I don't have pictures but if you google "Bavaria Vision 46 catalogue" you will see it listed in there as either standard fit or an option with some pictures.

Hope it helps
SV Kibo, 2014 Bavaria Vision 46


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Thank you Kibo

I have added a photo of the type of table support fitted in mi Vision 40.
If I would use a stand as you mentioned it would sit on the removable floorboards.



  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Year: 2014
Hi Ronald

I see your problem. You could always move the floor board access point but that might be too much of a job.

Hope you get other ideas

Happy sailing
SV Kibo, 2014 Bavaria Vision 46


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Year: 2002
Ronald, could you make, or have made for you an “H” shaped frame constructed say from stainless steel tubing. The H section would be turned onto its side where the originally horizontal bar of the H would now be vertical. This now vertical part would be made from two tubes where one half of it would fit inside the other to provide a telescopic action. One side of what were originally the vertical sides of the H would now form the base, and would be attached to the fixed part of your cabin deck in the same place that your present wooden table supports are located, while the other side of the H would be attached to the under side of the table. The telescopic part forming the original horizontal of the H before it was turned onto its side would be drilled to take a stainless steel pin that would slide through in one position to lock the telescopic arrangement to support the table at its normal height for dining, and would be removed and reinserted at a separate point when the table was lowered for use as the bed base for sleeping. This would not interfere with your ability to lift the portable part of the deck so that you could check your bilge, instead it would simply take the place of your existing wooden table legs. It would also, I believe, be a lot less expensive than some proprietary fitting.
You might need to change the table top for one that exactly fitted into the space between your settee bases, and also fit a supporting batten along the edges of the settee bases in order to support the table edges.
Hope it works