Author Topic: Plastimo skin fittings  (Read 2379 times)


  • Able Seaman
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  • Posts: 130
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 32
  • Boat Year: 2004
Plastimo skin fittings
« on: April 23 2018, 20:02 »
On the transom of my Bavaria32 (2004) there are 2 bilge drain outlets. Mine are very dirty and I have tried cleaning them but no joy.
So I have decided to replace them. Having tried 2 local chandlers and Ebay there seems to be aa shortage of these skin fittings.
I have been told that Plastimo have been bought out and that has interrupted normal production.
I have tried Aquafax but the only ones available are too large for my application.

Has anyone else had problems?
