Author Topic: A very good (best?) weather forecast site for Europe, Mediterranean, Black Sea  (Read 4575 times)


  • Old Salt
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  • Posts: 349
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  • Boat Model: B36
  • Boat Year: 2004
I recommended this site in the past, but it got better -

This site started with wind/wave forecast for the eastern Mediterranean based on regional models (more accurate than the global synoptic level forecasts). Over the time it expanded its coverage and now covers whole Europe, Mediterranean, Black Sea and the Canaries using 3 different models (not all models cover all areas, but typically at least two of them do)

There are Grib files for the models run by the site itself (OpenWRF), by the University of Athens (OpenSkiron) and the German weather forecast services (ICON). A page for each model clearly shows its coverage.

The files can be downloaded and for low bandwidth the site supports  leaner files "download" using the saildocs email service.

Recently a sister site was established - which forked the development of ZyGrib (free desktop application for viewing the Grib files).

For Android I have been using and can recommend SailGrib which can directly download files from the OpenSkiron site.
S/Y Lyra
B36 / 2004