Author Topic: folding prop for 120S-E saildrive?  (Read 3647 times)


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  • 2001 Bavaria 40AC
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folding prop for 120S-E saildrive?
« on: February 11 2018, 05:20 »
After a race today, a spinnaker sheet got caught in my folding prop ( and somehow managed to remove the prop...

Tomorrow, a diver is going to try to retrieve it, but I am not too optimistic that he will be able to find it.

Question: Does anyone know of a good brand for folding props that fit a Volvo Penta 120S-E saildrive? Ideally, this prop would be easy to remove while in the slip so that the diver can easily replace the fixed ring zinc that I have on there.

Thanks for any pointers!
-- Erik
2001 Bavaria 40, MD22L, 120S-E saiildrive.


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Re: folding prop for 120S-E saildrive?
« Reply #1 on: February 12 2018, 10:08 »
Flexofold is probably the best folding propeller. Held on with one locking nut and as easy to remove as a standard propeller.

Suggest you also fit a Stripper rope cutter to avoid the fouling that you have just experienced