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Buy a Bavaria?

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Here's a forum in which an experienced, owners point of view can be gained on these 'affordable' yachts. They generate a great deal of discussion in yachting circles but those qualified to give their opinion are Bavaria owners. So, as a Bavaria owner the question is... Would you buy one again?

nornie lees:
Hi All, my first yacht was a 50% share in a Bavaria 42, after 2 years i sold out and bought a 30 cruiser for myself, so yes i did buy another. The main reason was value for money, and a forward facing chart table, all the other makes/types of this size had rear facing.

Would i buy a third, i don't think so, only because i would like something different, i would recommend Bavaria.


 (I SPENT 3MONTHS LOOKING FOR ANOTHER YACHT AND I BOUGHT MY 33333333333RD Bavaria, a 37 great yacht, had it almost a year now no problems apart from maintenance).

We owned a 1991 320 sportline for around 5 years a good boat ,  and having just sold it are looking at the Cruiser 38 owners version 2008-its got a more comfortable forward cabin. We are also considering a1997 Moody 36 cc. So yes woudl buy another and probably ahead of a Jenneau and a Benneteau

tony from dorset:
i have owned my 36 from new  2004 model looks like new.   would buy another not so sure on the new interiors but all good value for money and good resale value.    And my lead keel is still intact

I would buy a Cruiser again, but not a new model. Unfortunately new interiors are ugly and 100% laminate. At least in older models one had wood.


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