Author Topic: Raw water pump on d1-20  (Read 2972 times)


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Raw water pump on d1-20
« on: December 03 2017, 00:10 »
Hi all,
Ok I'm on the hunt for what is probably one of the easiest answers regarding the problem of a leaking water pump,
At this time I have successfully removed the pump from the engine but looking at the shaft there is a lip just under the groove for the impeller, just curious if anyone tell me if the first seal will pass this lip or does the shaft need to be pushed out and if so which direction does it go ( away from the impeller side or away from the drive gear) ?

Any advice on this as always is greatly appreciated
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Scorcher IV

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Re: Raw water pump on d1-20
« Reply #1 on: December 03 2017, 21:51 »

I have just rebuilt my sea water pump, once you remove the gear that meshes with the engine there is a circlip behind it. Remove the circlip and the shaft can be pushed through the body from the impeller side. You should end up with both bearings and probably one of the lip seals. The lip seals can be easily pushed through. Unless you are really unlucky the fault will be with the lip seals which will have lost their flexibility and the springs inside them will have degraded. Do it carefully so as not to damaged the spacer in-between the two lip seals.
Check out this page as it will give you a good exploded diagram of the pump. I replaced the lip seals which cost £8.00 as opposed to a new pump at around £350. I purchased the seals from who where very helpful.


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Re: Raw water pump on d1-20
« Reply #2 on: December 03 2017, 22:26 »
Thanks for that scorcher, I did manage to remove the lip seal & spacer that was behind the impeller but was hunting the net for information prior to trying to remove the shaft and bearings, thanks for the link and info  can now safely strip the pump without any undue force on hidden circlips.
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