Suggest you might also consider following points:-
1. Hoisting Main might be made easier if you "sweat" the halyard up from the mast while your partner pulls the halyard through the clutch. This would only require a small amount of winching for final metre or so. The forces required are much less if you do this. I've also seen main sails torn when the electric winch overloads the halyard.
2. If you want to hoist from the cockpit, I suggest that the lines from the mast are organised so that the electric winch you install is also set up to trim the main sheet. It would be a pity to have an electric winch that is only used once on each trip, especially as the main sheet can require a bit of winching at times.
3. Buy 3 electric winches, one to be used as above and the other 2 for the headsail sheets. I find that the headsail winches require more force, more often than any other winch on the boat.
"Shirley Valentine"
Gold Coast