Author Topic: drying out  (Read 2968 times)


  • Able Seaman
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  • Boat Model: B42
  • Boat Year: 2000
drying out
« on: May 24 2017, 16:50 »
Hi all.  Can anybody advise if there are any problems drying out against the harbour wall for a B42  2000 model. It has the bulbous keel.  I have dried my 30  footer (Verl 900) many times so do have experience but never anything bigger.  Any advice would allow me to make the decision.  I missed the lift out this year and would like to give the hull a scrub


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 33
  • Boat Year: 2015
Re: drying out
« Reply #1 on: May 24 2017, 19:05 »
No problem. Just take the normal precautions of making sure the ground is level and clean and that the boat leans towards the post or wall. It should dry level fore and aft, but might be a good idea to move any heavy weights towards the middle of the boat. Chain along the deck on the side against the wall/post is a good idea.


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2002
Re: drying out
« Reply #2 on: May 24 2017, 22:16 »
Dried out my B36 (2002) two weekends back, and took the main halyard across to a strong point ashore in order to ensure that the boat maintained a lean towards the wall. You do need to keep a careful eye on it as you go down in order to maintain the lean, and  particularly once the tide has come back in and you start to float where you then need to slacken off and the halyard and bring the end back onboard. We cast off as soon as we floated, and headed back to our usual mooring.
As for choosing a level area, we weren't able to select one, there was wasn't one around and as a result we settled with the bow slightly raised. If I had to do it again I'd turn the boat around first.
We also disconnected the hand rails on the side in contact with the dock wall/piles, and lifted out the handrail stanchions to prevent them from being damaged. Also we put our fenders out on the side next to the wall to protect the hull gel coat.