Author Topic: Prop replacement to gearbox  (Read 3337 times)


  • Cadet
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 34 Cruiser
  • Boat Year: 2009
Prop replacement to gearbox
« on: April 18 2017, 16:21 »
I'm about to purchase a 2009 Bav 34. The prop is badly pitted, so i plan to replace it. But with what? I have the D1-30 engine, but can anyone tell me the standard gearbox with that?

And prop choices are complicated! Fixed, feathering, folding?  2- or 3-blade? exact prop specs?

Anyone with experience and a strong recommendation?


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Re: Prop replacement to gearbox
« Reply #1 on: April 18 2017, 23:57 »
All saildrives fitted to the D1 30 have the same ratio 2.19:1. The standard prop will be 16" diameter, probably 13" pitch - but you can check when you remove the prop as the size will be stamped on the boss.

As to replacement, it depends on what you are looking for. The simplest alternative is a FlexoFold 2 blade folder which obviously improves sailing speed and is arguably marginally better than the standard prop under power. A 3 blade folder will be a bit stronger under power, but in my experience you do not need it based on having a 2 blade first on a 37 with a 2030 and now on my new 33 with the same engine as yours. The price is substantially higher than a 2 blade. If you do want to spend that kind of money consider a Featherstream feathering prop.

There are of course many other brands but they are mostly more expensive with little extra to offer except perhaps the Bruntons which is at its best when motorsailing for long periods as it self pitches to match the engine speed and power more closely to boat speed.

Suggest you avoid Volvo branded and Radice props as they have a reputation for shprt anode life reflecting the less than good materials used in their construction.


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Re: Prop replacement to gearbox
« Reply #2 on: April 19 2017, 15:39 »
I can not attached the pdf file that I have.
I just copied the lines related to Bav 34 but model made up to 2007. However, engine and saildrive are the same as far as I know.
I hope it helps.
I have pdf file called: Bavaria Sail Boat - Propeller Recommendation however I couldn't manage to attach it. I don't know the source of the file. Sorry.

SY 34cruiser weight 5700 -  5800
Engine : D1-30 B 130
Saildrive:  2,19
2 Blatt fest: 16 x 13 G
3 Blatt fest: 17 x 12 E
2 Blatt falt: 17 x 12 E
3/4 Blatt falt: 17 x 11 x 3 G
G: tested
E: estimated


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Re: Prop replacement to gearbox
« Reply #3 on: April 20 2017, 18:55 »
I have a B34 -2000.  Just re-engined with a D1-30 and S130 saildrive.  Based on boat dimensions and weight Volvo specified a two blade fixed prop (my request) at 16x13.  I choose the fixed prop as it is a fraction of the cost of anything else (£250) and, from my experience there are generally many more things other then the prop that impact of sailing performance of most yachts out there than a bit of drag from a fixed prop versus a much more expensive feathering or folding alternative.