Author Topic: Bavaria 34 (2001) balance on keel  (Read 3368 times)


  • Cadet
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  • Boat Model: 34
  • Boat Year: 2001
Bavaria 34 (2001) balance on keel
« on: October 19 2016, 10:29 »
Last week I dried out on a concrete pad with posts.  I have a shallow draft and the rudder is almost the same depth as the keel.  I had a line on the stern holding the stern up in case, but the rudder took some weight.  The fore water tank was empty and the stern one nearly full and the fuel tank half full.  The question is, if the stern water tank was empty would there be no weight on the rudder?  If I stopped the boat just short of the concrete with the rudder hanging over the edge of the sill, would the stern line/cleat take a great deal of strain?  What is the design balance fore and aft?  Is there a design specification manual?


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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 37
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Re: Bavaria 34 (2001) balance on keel
« Reply #1 on: October 19 2016, 12:31 »
Think I've seen you on the Orwell? If so, Hi.

Had a similar issue with my 37.

Never tried emptying the rear water tank, however I have a friend who doesn't mind getting wet and putting a stand down to solve the boat resting on rudder issue!


  • Cadet
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  • Posts: 8
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  • Boat Model: 34
  • Boat Year: 2001
Re: Bavaria 34 (2001) balance on keel
« Reply #2 on: October 19 2016, 22:17 »
Yes that would be me cruising in the Orwell this year.  I will have to invent a stand that can be slid underneath without getting wet!