Author Topic: Bav Ocean 38 Holding tank air vent  (Read 4991 times)


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Bav Ocean 38 Holding tank air vent
« on: August 22 2016, 19:29 »
Hi All,

I have a holding tank situated at  the back of the the engine room under the cockpit of the Bavaria Ocean 38.

At the top of the tank there is a filter fitted, and the filter has an outlet on the side which is not connected to anything.

I am imagining there should be a pipe leading to an air vent on the side of the boat.

Is this standard on Ocean 38, and if yes, where is the air vent outlet situated on the hull?

If this is not standard and is a retrofit, does anyone have any suggestions?



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Re: Bav Ocean 38 Holding tank air vent
« Reply #1 on: August 22 2016, 19:36 »
If it helps, on my 40 Ocean the factory fitted holding tank is in the shower behind the wall and the hull. It has a vent hose that leads all the way aft into the starboard lazarette where it exits at the topsides. The pumpout fitting is on the side deck straight above the tank.
(formerly) Sailing Songbird  ⛵️ Bavaria 40 Ocean (2001)


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Re: Bav Ocean 38 Holding tank air vent
« Reply #2 on: August 22 2016, 19:55 »
Thanks Yngmar.

There are 2 x 1.5inch exit holes on the starboard topside at  the rear of the lazarettes,  so  I will check if there are pipes fitted and where these lead to.
I was wondering also if the fuel tank and the water tank have venting systems similar to what you  have described. That would mean that 3 exit holes are required in total.

Let me know.



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Re: Bav Ocean 38 Holding tank air vent
« Reply #3 on: August 22 2016, 20:04 »
There are 2 x 1.5inch exit holes on the starboard topside at  the rear of the lazarettes,  so  I will check if there are pipes fitted and where these lead to.

Those are for your bilge pumps, one for manual and one for automatic. The holding tank vent is roughly 1m forward of them at the same level.

I was wondering also if the fuel tank and the water tank have venting systems similar to what you  have described. That would mean that 3 exit holes are required in total.

Yes. Fuel vent is a small chrome button next to the fuel filler, as is aft water tank vent on the opposite side of the transom. Forward water tank vent is a hose that is looped up and ends inside the anchor locker at the very peak of the bow.
(formerly) Sailing Songbird  ⛵️ Bavaria 40 Ocean (2001)