Author Topic: Groovy Mozzy Nets  (Read 3183 times)


  • Second Mate
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  • Posts: 48
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36 Cruiser
  • Boat Year: 2005
Groovy Mozzy Nets
« on: August 01 2016, 14:30 »
With a bit if careful measuring I managed to make my own Mozzy nets which fit over the INSIDE of the lewmar windows. There's no fittings they just have an interference fit onto the frames so can be popped on and off easily. The netting material was from ebay and glue to the frames with standard UHU glue.

Awkward material to work with and a bit fiddly on the sewing machine but well worth the effort for the saving over anything off the shelf.

Dead chuffed
