Author Topic: Port Rain Gutter / Don Casey sollution  (Read 5856 times)


  • First Mate
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  • Posts: 89
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 40 Ocean
  • Boat Year: 2001
Port Rain Gutter / Don Casey sollution
« on: May 24 2012, 01:48 »
On the Bavaria 40 Ocean and probably most other Bavaria's there is no protruding rim/lip on the outside opening ports.  When it rains the water just pours through the window.   This has only happened a couple times but I often anchor and go ashore and leave the ports open.   I had ports on other boats that had a 1/2 inch or 1inch rim around the port and when it started raining a few droplets would come through the window but wouldn't flow full force down the cabin side through the window.   has anyone added a length of rain gutter or aluminum extrusion above the ports?  I've seen in Don Casey's books where he's added a length of aluminum extrusion and had a piece of sunbrella or nylon with a sewn in bolt rope that fits into the channel on the extrusion.  This would run down the length of the cabin top and tie to the stanchions to produce an awning for your side ports.  This would allow you to leave the ports open in the rain and maintain ventilation.