Author Topic: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system  (Read 9394 times)


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Hi, I have just purchased a Bavaria 34 Cruiser (2001) three cabin model.  The seller couldn't explain the toilet system workings.  I think the set up is original with a holding tank under the vee berth.  Does anyone have any info or diagrams on how it all works?  How is waste directed to the sea or to the holding tank?  How do you empty the holding tank?  The toilet seems to work fine but I'm not sure where the waste is going.  I have photos but couldn't work out how to attach.  My first post to the forum - I hope it is ok.  Simmo (Brisbane, Australia).


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #1 on: April 29 2016, 14:44 »
Hi, yes I know things can look confusing at first but toilets are normally easy.  If the toilet seacock is open then the waste is being dump straight to sea provided you have pumped sufficient sea water in enough to flush out, I would suggest 10-15 pumps is good to clear the system.  If however your waste seacock is closed the toilet waste will stay in the holding tank as opposed to passing through it.

If in a marina with seacock closed all waste will go into holding tank.  You can either take the boat to sea, normally three miles out and open seacock to empty holding tank  or you will have to get it pumped out at your marina.  Normally we go to sea to empty holding tank.

Hope that helps


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #2 on: April 29 2016, 22:18 »
Hi Simmo

Welcome to the forum. Although I have a B34/2001, it's a 2-cabin version with a switchable, pumped holding tank so different enough for me not to be able to add anything meaningful to Aquila's comment. However, when you write text in the box, there's a button underneath labelled 'Additional Options...'. Click that and you'll be able to attach photos, etc. via the 'Attach' function. It's very straightforward.



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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #3 on: April 30 2016, 08:06 »
Thanks Aquila and Mark, I am starting to understand the layout of the piping.  I also didn't realise that in the cabinet under the basin there is a switch to start the holding tank pump.  Mine is also a switchable pumped holding tank (I think).  So if the waste seacock is open the waste will go straight to the sea.  If the waste seacock is closed it will go the holding tank.  My understanding is then when I'm well offshore I turn the white lever to the other position in the photo, open the waste seacock and hit the button in the cabinet under the basin.  All this with my fingers crossed at the same time!  Does this make sense?  Thanks for the tip regarding attaching photos.  Hopefully it will work.  Simmo.


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #4 on: May 03 2016, 22:28 »
OK, different system from mine so any info would be guesses. However, I can tell you that you MUST ensure all seacocks are open before using the pump otherwise you'll invert the non-return valve in the pipework and that means stripping it all down by hand to un-invert it. Not to be recommended. How do I know...?   :sick



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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #5 on: May 04 2016, 09:18 »
Thanks Mark, your advice is really appreciated.  Un-inverting the waste tank valve doesn't sound like a pleasant way to an hour or two.  Will make sure everything is open before pressing the button.  Regards Simmo


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #6 on: May 04 2016, 11:38 » hour or two? If only....!



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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #7 on: May 06 2016, 15:28 »
Thanks Mark, your advice is really appreciated.  Un-inverting the waste tank valve doesn't sound like a pleasant way to an hour or two.  Will make sure everything is open before pressing the button.  Regards Simmo

You have a pumped system, not a gravity one that others have referred to. The white valve is a diverter or "Y" valve which in one position allows discharge straight out and the other sends the waste to the tank. should not be difficult to work out which is which by following the pipework, then putting a label on the valve. When you want to discharge waste from the tank use the pump, but make sure the seacock is open. Think you will find it has its own seacock.


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #8 on: May 07 2016, 01:00 »
Thanks Symphony, will be on the boat tomorrow and will trace back the pipes as you suggested.  Which position should the 'Y Valve' be in when pumping out the tank?  Or does that not matter? Regards Simmo


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #9 on: November 29 2023, 09:54 »
Hi simmo - could you share more pictures of the holding tank, especially the location of the tank? I am looking to install a tank in my B34-3 as well.



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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #10 on: November 29 2023, 13:13 »
Looking closely at the pictures, I notice one pipe is marked with a "T". If I had to guess, that means "Tank". If the valve's arrow is pointing that direction, stuff will go to the tank, otherwise to the sea..


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Re: Bavaria 34 - info needed on head (toilet) waste system
« Reply #11 on: November 30 2023, 10:43 »
Consider changing the layout so that the diverter valve is accessable in the heads. We put ours on the bulkhead under the sink. This gives the option of choosing wether the discharge is direct out, or to tank. Our experience was that our relatively small holding tank (60L) filled very quickly such that we had to leave estuary moorings to go out to sea after a few days only to discharge and risk loosing our mooring in busy periods. Pump out facilities being few and far between or expensive. The option permits liquid only to be output and 'solids' retained in tank thus extending the need to empty very considerably. With the amount of pipework to tank most of the contents is the 15 or so pumps of seawater needed.