Author Topic: Microwave oven for Bavaria 39  (Read 5182 times)


  • Swab
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  • Boat Year: 2007
Microwave oven for Bavaria 39
« on: April 12 2016, 03:10 »
Hi all:
I would like to add a microwave oven to my bavaria 39.
Do you know a model to built-in kitchen cabinet?
Any other suggested alternative?
Some photos?


  • Old Salt
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Re: Microwave oven for Bavaria 39
« Reply #1 on: April 12 2016, 19:36 »
Hi all:
I would like to add a microwave oven to my bavaria 39.
Do you know a model to built-in kitchen cabinet?
Any other suggested alternative?
Some photos?

Domingo. I have fitted one in the last 9 months I will post some pics and a few words after the weekend.  Importantly; you need to think about size and where it fits, include some space for it to vent. Go for an anolog control not a digital or you have to re-set it every time it is used. You will need to fit a tray and possibly some brackets to secure it firmly. If you intend to use it when at anchor or not hooked up to mains you will need to think about the power rating and an inverter.

Hope this helps.


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  • Old Salt
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Re: Microwave oven for Bavaria 39
« Reply #2 on: April 17 2016, 16:31 »
Hi all:
I would like to add a microwave oven to my bavaria 39.
Do you know a model to built-in kitchen cabinet?
Any other suggested alternative?
Some photos?

Domingo, this is the microwave I fitted. A cheap one from Curry's with stainless steel cabinet.

First I found one that fitted and had room all around. The air intake is on the bottom and the air exhaust on the left hand side.  I made a tray from J57s Aluminium. I then took the lower cabinet screws out of the microwave and marked the tray and drilled two clearance holes on each side so that when the microwave sat in the tray the all the holes line up. I then fitted the tray into the opening. I had to use a very fine saw and a chisel to pear the wood down so there was enough room. I fixed the tray in position with some large stainless screws using a hardwood packer to keep the tray level. The screws go through the packers. I then fitted the microwave into the slot and replaced the screws to the cabinet, through the tray. Tricky on the left had side as there is not much room.

Wild horses could not drag the microwave out!

Hope this helps.

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  • Swab
  • Posts: 4
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 39 cruiser
  • Boat Year: 2007
Re: Microwave oven for Bavaria 39
« Reply #3 on: May 30 2016, 00:55 »
Thanks a lot for your answers.
I bought a mini oven,  350 w, I will upload some photos when I finished,

Harry Brown

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Re: Microwave oven for Bavaria 39
« Reply #4 on: May 30 2016, 10:18 »
Thanks a lot for your answers.
I bought a mini oven,  350 w, I will upload some photos when I finished,

Which one did you get?


  • Old Salt
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Re: Microwave oven for Bavaria 39
« Reply #5 on: May 30 2016, 23:52 »
The Impavidus fit-out looks great.

On our 2009 Bav 38, we ordered a microwave as part of original fit-out.

The options were a cupboard above the refrigerator or a microwave. It fitted this space perfectly. I don't know if this applies to your boat.

Be aware that the wattage shown on microwaves is not the current they draw, but the power of the actual microwaves. When at anchor we use the microwave on a 600w setting rather than the 800w setting, even though our inverter is 2000 w. We do have 440amp/hr of battery capacity to run the inverter as well. There appears to be a high current draw judging by the drop in measured voltage. Our inverter is wired direct to the batteries so the battery monitor doesn't display the amp draw.

The microwave has the single biggest draw of any of our electrical appliances. We use gas to boil water and usually use the gas toaster.

I could not get any proper conversion information on input wattage compared with output watts.

Microwave is great for heating food on long passages.

"Shirley Valentine"
Gold Coast