Author Topic: Bavaria 38 ocean leaks...again!  (Read 3432 times)


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Bavaria 38 ocean leaks...again!
« on: April 04 2016, 23:27 »
Have persistent leak in engine compartment and into aft cabin. Water is running in from the port side of compartment from above somewhere  and then into the aft cabin, dripping from the corner of the cockpit moulding inside the aft cabin from the silicon where it meets the wood......hope this is clear but difficult to explain. I've sealed many items so far...some deck fitting, stantions, part of the cap rail due to other leaks plus removed and resealed cockpit drains.  I've covered the mainsheet track with tarpaulin but to know avail.  Also checked around steering pedestal from inside and the winch on that side plus the cockpit drains that run from the water there.  The boat is on the hard awaiting launch and sits more bow up so could be running from further up.  I've had to peal away some of the sound proofing high up on the port aft side of the engine compartment just to feel where the water is driving me nuts and have spent hours trying to trace where it running from, even used dye around aft fittings.
Any ideas appreciate or info from other ocean owners.


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Re: Bavaria 38 ocean leaks...again!
« Reply #1 on: April 05 2016, 08:28 »
The cockpit on my ocean 40 is surrounded by wooden capping, this is screw mounted onto the top of the cockpit moulding. Maybe you have a screw loose [so to speak] Geoff


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Re: Bavaria 38 ocean leaks...again!
« Reply #2 on: April 05 2016, 08:52 »
I've had the exact same. It turned out to be the cockpit drain scuppers that needed rebedding - the sealant had failed and water was getting past the sides of them and down the inner GRP liner, then came out in exactly the places you describe. Also a good time to inspect the rest of the cockpit drains for extra peace of mind.
(formerly) Sailing Songbird  ⛵️ Bavaria 40 Ocean (2001)


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Re: Bavaria 38 ocean leaks...again!
« Reply #3 on: April 07 2016, 23:00 »
Thanks for info, will recheck and reseal cockpit drains again