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Hull bonding system

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I have not used the Marlone valves but expect them to be as good as they get regarding corrosion, however remember all Plastic swells in water, not by much but it has been know to make turning the seacock difficult. I am sure it will be on Utube some place!!!

There is a thread on this site about changing seacocks, if you have the right tools there is not any problem. I would use a cone drill from the outside, just cut it off. photo posted on the thread.

Back to the question, if I change mine I would look seriously at Plastic.


Couple of observations. There is no need to bond the seacocks as they are not connected to any other metal. It is possible that some seacocks are not made of DZR but of plain bras which may dezincify, but not through galvanic action. Marelon seacocks can be used. They are made of a material that does not swell in seawater - however they are physically bigger than DZR valves (and more expensive) so difficult to justify.

The saildrive is isolated electrically from the engine and has its own anode, as may some props. If you moor in a marina and connect up to shorepower it is advisable to fit a galvanic isolator to the shorepower circuit.

"The saildrive is isolated electrically from the engine and has its own anode, as may some props. If you moor in a marina and connect up to shorepower it is advisable to fit a galvanic isolator to the shorepower circuit."

Just want to clarify on your above comments please:

You are suggesting to use a Galvalnic Isolator but this will require Hull Bonding anode (if not fitted already) with the A/C earth along with the DC ground connected onto it and leave the saildrive with its own anode ONLY.


--- Quote from: CRYSTAL on May 07 2012, 09:13 ---You are suggesting to use a Galvalnic Isolator but this will require Hull Bonding anode...
--- End quote ---

A GI is a good bit of kit if you use shore power, no need to alter any bonding.

Thanks Nigel, what if there is no bonding? How would you install the GI without any Hull bonding?
If need be, should I install a HB and only connect the AC earth or shall I connect the DC ground from the engine as well?



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