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Hull bonding system

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Hi Nigel,

I noticed that the newer models of Bavs have a zinc Hull Anodes installed and connected to the A/C earthing side (only). My 2007 B33 does not have one - would you recommend to install one or just leave is as it is? The only thing below the WL is the Saildrive which has it's own zinc and the two seacocks.


The subject of galvanic protection is still not understood by most of the sailing population, The big issue is when you are in Marinas.

I have fitted an isolator on all on my boats after seeing the effects of stray current damage to a power boat stern drive in Plymouth after only 1 season. I have grounded out the 12v and 240v system through the engine and saildrive to the stern of Odysseus, one side is Zinc the other magnesium, they hang down on 2 mtr wire.

Go to this site (I have no conection to them) and have a read, then get worried!!! Although UK is not bad foreign marinas are bad, every season I have my alarm go off when boats plug in and have show people that their system is at fault, I usally get a blank look.
 Tel 01977 513607...Mobile 07711 849426  or fax to   01977 515245  (Safeshore Marine UK) Put this into Google

Thanks for the site, very nice indeed.

Did you say that the saildrive is grounded along with the engine?


Yes as some saildrives have a gasket between engine and drive, also 12v system is grounded on a 6mm cable that runs through the boat to the stern there it splits into 2 and goes to 2 through hull bolts above the waterline which have the zinc and Magnesium anodes  on, salt or fresh water.


Hi, on a diff topic:

what's your opinion on Marlone plastic Seacocks? there are two types: 1 is a complete unit with the tail pipe and also found the pieces separately - thru hull / valve / etc..

Do you know anyone who switched to these? Seems to be a 'perfect' solution and the specs are very high especially noncorrosive.



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