Member Forums > Bavaria Yacht Help!

Impellers - removing them

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I'd read about the needle nose pliers / bent nose pliers but the idea of trying to grip something made of rubber and pulling it with something made to grip metal does not appeal.  I guess fitting some rubber socks might make it less damaging though.

Do like the tip about using the jubilee clip to pre-deform the impeller into shape for installing, might have to look into that one further.

Cheers for all the input


2 flat blade screwdrivers 180 degrees apart, one each side of the impeller, lever out at 45 degrees, it comes out ever time.

I get 2 seasons out of an impeller before they start to crack, but this depends on the age of the unit as they do deteriorate over time so go to a high turnover place to buy them.

Look at this youtube



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