Author Topic: Jib Cars ......  (Read 3089 times)


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria C 37
  • Boat Year: 2015
Jib Cars ......
« on: September 28 2015, 21:45 »
Hi folks.
Impavidus has a 105% foresail, a blade, to set the sail efficiently you need to keep the track under control under changing conditions or tacks. More so than with a bigger foresail on previous boats.
The track is Seldon and the car has a plunge pin. You have to go to the foredeck to alter the setting.
I want to change this to a sheaved car with a bungee to keep it forward when not pulled under tension.
Does anyone have this modification on a B37 cruiser or later boat before I spend hours looking up the details?
Best regards.

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  • Old Salt
  • *****
  • Posts: 288
  • Karma: +0/-0
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 38 Cruiser
  • Boat Year: 2009
Re: Jib Cars ......
« Reply #1 on: September 28 2015, 22:34 »
Not sure of a modification but our Bavaria 38 has a Rutterson car on the Genoa track with a tackle set up. We had an additional set of winches installed in our cockpit ( 2 on each side) and lead the line back to a winch. We can then winch the car forward using the spare winch. ( other winch is the genoa sheet).

Sorry I can't supply a photo, boat is currently on a ship on way to Australia.

s/v "Shirley Valentine"