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cleaning non slip deck

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tony from dorset:
 I clean my boat ( bavaria 36 ) after every trip  , but i always have a dark stain where water drains at front of boat either side of forward cabin window  on non slip and on non slip either side of mast i have tried most cleaners didnt know if any body else has had this and if so any magic formula for shifting it.   The boat is mint apart from these two areas, any suggestions gratefully received



--- Quote from: tony from dorset on April 08 2012, 19:39 --- I ... have a dark stain where water drains at front of boat either side of forward cabin window...
--- End quote ---

If it's rust, which seems likely, use Oxalic Acid. Mix a 10% solution (10g to 100ml) and leave it on for 10-20 minutes. Also good for cleaning rust stains on stainless fittings.

Hi Tony,

Same thing here mate. I got it clean with a 'magic stain pad' thing from the pound shop.

Brilliant result,

Good luck


tony from dorset:
No def not rust stain it is where rain runs off dirt mixes with water and leaves wide dark mark on non slip either side of mast and non slip either side of front forward cabin

Ii think it comes from the mast, maybe lube or summit :))

A duzzit will get it all off


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