Author Topic: Rust on hull keel joint Cruiser 33  (Read 4699 times)


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Rust on hull keel joint Cruiser 33
« on: November 11 2015, 21:08 »
My new Cruiser 33 had the keel removed because of excessive rust after a few weeks  from new.
The keel was removed shotblasted ,epoxied, refitted and a bead of sikaflex was applied to the hull keel joint.
When hauled out this October the sikaflex had peeled off from the front and rear of the keel and rust was evident.
The yard say this is quite usual due to the difficulty of getting sufficient thickness of epoxy paint on the top edge of the keel they intend to clean the rust off then epoxy and re-sikaflex the joint.
I do wonder whether the keel should be removed again but no sign of water around the keel bolts.

Has anybody else had this experience I would appreciate your comments and observations

Regards Tony   Cruiser 33  Pegatha

Konan the Bavarian

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Re: Rust on hull keel joint Cruiser 33
« Reply #1 on: November 12 2015, 02:02 »
Our 2006 B37 cr was recently hauled out, and the keel sandblasted, epoxy coated and painted, after 8 years.
The work to your new boat would presumably be different that the work done to an already launched boat. If the hull keel joint is sound, IMHO there would be no need to disturb this joint, just satisfy yourself that that the proposed methodology to remove any remaining visible sealant, and prepare the affected areas will be appropriate. After all it is a new boat.

Good luck.
SV Konan the Bavarian


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Re: Rust on hull keel joint Cruiser 33
« Reply #2 on: November 12 2015, 20:53 »
They are now saying the hull is flexible the keel is not so there will always be movement at the front and rear of the keel .
They at first said they could offer no guarantee to stop rust on a cast iron keel but have agreed to carry the remedial work as a goodwill offer.

I would be very interested to hear how many other people with new boats and older have experienced rusty keels along the hull/ keel joint.

Regards Tony Revell   Pegatha


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Re: Rust on hull keel joint Cruiser 33
« Reply #3 on: November 15 2015, 12:23 »
No rust on the hull/keel joint area on our 2009 B31, but frequently rust along the bottom of the keel when it's hauled. I think some degree of rust on these cast iron keels is common, and more cosmetic than anything else. Despite efforts with epoxy barrier coating and antifouling, it keeps coming back on Battuta...

Vancouver, Canada
s/v "Battuta"