Author Topic: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer  (Read 6446 times)


  • Swab
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2003
Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« on: March 22 2012, 14:36 »
I follow the blog of the liveaboards Andy and Ann, at They have the same Bav36 as me but one month older. They are wintering in Lagos. Andy recently wrote to me with photos of his Volvo water trap/silencer. A large rubber tube with SS end fittings. His had pin holes and a lot of rust and it was leaking. I have just run my engine and checked mine. There is also a rusty stain on the deck underneath and a feel (I cannot see it or even photo it) of rust at the bottom. Other than that it looks like new. Nothing came out in the 20 mins I ran the engine. I was also surprised the unit remained stone cold. Has anyone any experience of this failure. Is it worth dismantling, cleaning and repairing or can new ends be obtained or is it better to replace with a plastic Vetus type. My experience is that there are very few problems with Bavarias but if there is a problem on one, it is common on others of that vintage.
Best wishes,


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Re: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« Reply #1 on: March 23 2012, 08:31 »
I'm not sure what year Bavaria you have, but I can a-sure you there are more problems to come!!!  I have also found pin holes in the exhaust silencer end caps..  So far I have corrected the problem temporarily by repositioning the clamps over the affected area, until I can have something better fabricated.  I refuse to buy Volvo parts if I can find after market parts or modify the Volvo part my self..  Bavaria and Volvo, it seems has done an excellent job engineering everything to last approximately five years...    As you might glean from my reply, I'm anything but satisfied with Volvo or Bavaria.  Mine is a 2003 and it's something new every day!!  Good luck!
"Wasting Time In A Serious Way"


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Re: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« Reply #2 on: March 23 2012, 08:36 »
OOOPs, on closer review, I see your's is also a 2003..  Like I said, there's more to come, get out the check book!
"Wasting Time In A Serious Way"


  • Swab
  • Posts: 8
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2003
Re: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« Reply #3 on: April 11 2012, 18:26 »
OOOPs, on closer review, I see your's is also a 2003..  Like I said, there's more to come, get out the check book!

Have you considered an alternative water trap/ silencer? Where are you getting the parts fabricated?
What else have you found wrong with the quality/utility of Volvo parts? Which ones and why. When was your Bav made or delivered?


  • Old Salt
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Re: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« Reply #4 on: April 02 2014, 19:58 »
The problem is related to stagnant sea water which is very corrosive and where the use of stainless steel is no guarantee that it will not suffer from corrosion, it's just a bit better at it than mild steel. The ideal thing is to ensure that when you stop your engine, and particularly if it is going to be a while before the engine is next run, that the water within the exhaust system which has not been expelled is not allowed to rest in contact with any stainless steel parts. Better still to look for exhaust systems that either can be drained down when not in use, or are not constructed with stainless steel parts.


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Re: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« Reply #5 on: April 03 2014, 07:04 »
Hi JVS and All,
This is not related to the direct problem but more to your comments on Volvo parts and the absurd prices they charge. I try everything possible to avoid buying Volvo, I have bought parts for a lot of engines, machinery and equipment over the years and am appalled at the charges of Volvo parts, I suppose they sell the engines at cost or just over and then make cream and honey out of spare parts. Do you know of after market parts suppliers for Volvo ? filters, impellers etc are easily available but exhaust elbow, heat exchanges, water pumps etc I have not found after market suppliers for....any feed back would be appreciated and maybe this should be the heading of another subject "ridiculously priced Volvo parts"


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  • Boat Year: 2002
Re: Bav 36 2003 Volvo Silencer
« Reply #6 on: April 07 2014, 19:28 »
I have a 2002 Bavaria 36 and last year had problems with the leaking water trap (silencer). When the engine is switched off all the residual water in the exhaust pipe is collected by the water trap so that when sailing in big waves the water does not slosh into the open exhaust ports of the engine and stop it from starting. If you change from the standard Volvo one it is essential that you fit one that is big enough.
We fitted a Vetus plastic one. My best advice is to look at the Vetus websight and find the calculations needed about the size of the exhaust pipe etc. (A bit difficult to find but they are on the website.) Then give someone at Vetus a ring and ask them what they reccomend. They were very helpful to me.
