Author Topic: Broken outhaul  (Read 4173 times)


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Year: 2005
Broken outhaul
« on: June 27 2015, 17:01 »
As I tightened up my outhaul I heard a twang and the outhaul went slack. It is wire from the sail into the boom and looking into the back end of the boom I can see a fair amount of wire floating around in the boom. Looking into the front of the boom I can see a pulley that the outhaul sheet runs through is detached. I can't quite see the end of the pulley to see how it was attached to the wire that goes to the sail. Anyone seen how the outhaul system is connected inside the boom? It's a bav 39 from 2005/6 with single line reefing.


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Year: 2002
Re: Broken outhaul
« Reply #1 on: June 27 2015, 22:51 »
Hi Jagtor,
Did an Internet search for a diagram and found the following, hope it helps.


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Year: 2005
Re: Broken outhaul
« Reply #2 on: June 28 2015, 16:33 »
 Thanks Salty but had already found that last night and it bears little relation to the actual set up which I found with some poking prodding and pulling. The wire strop from the clew attaches by shackle (I presume cost its lost inside) to the post of a double pulley - a small wheel inline with a bigger wheel type.
Just had brain wave and attached mousing line to the third reef line which isn't attached to a car like the first and second so was able to send the mousing line from front to back. Now all I have to do is attach to pulley and pull that to the back and attach strop with new shackle. I found a shackle undone on the main sheet system when I bought the boat and suspect maybe the shackle inside had worked undone aswell. Will post when complete.


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 39
  • Boat Year: 2005
Re: Broken outhaul
« Reply #3 on: June 28 2015, 18:51 »
Thought it was too easy, the out haul halyard wasn't long enough to allow me to pull the pulls all the way aft due to the ratio on the pulleys! I had to attach a mousing line. Hard part was pulling the whole assembled forward again with the mousing line not falling off the pulley wheel before the halyard reached it. Wife was having a hissy fit as I kept saying to keep tension on the wire strop as it friction burnt her hands. Second attempt was successful - I hope, leaving boat for a few weeks then will be able to hoist sail and check all the reefing lines to make sure I haven't crossed the streams!!