Our 2006 39 cruiser suffered lower rudder bearing seizure after being in the yard for annual work.
Was totally free before this. 2 weeks after being back in the water, almost total seizure. Maximimum force using emergency tiller could not shift.
I contacted
http://www.clippermarine.co.uk/ on the south coast (uk), common problem and apparently my fault due to lack of maintenance. Hmm!!
I bit the bullet and purchased their new lower needle roller bearing. Also purchased a standard replacement for the upper bearing.
All plastic of some type but with large plastic vertical rollers in it. I'd be surprised if this will seize.
Dropping the rudder being the hard part. Had to machine up an attachment for the top of the rudder shaft. Literally hammer the shaft down, mm by mm. Several hours later, the shaft was out.
The old bearing still in the housing had to very carefully drilled to reduce pressure until it could be turned and removed.
Refitting the new bearings was the easy part.
One would think that in this day and age, a bearing of suitable material and non hydroscopic could be fitted form the start.
The rudder can still be turned with my little finger to this day.